Alachua county municode. By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code. Alachua county municode

 By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal CodeAlachua county municode  58)Any party as described in section 324

- PROCUREMENT; ARTICLE I. Section 2. 24. 06-14, § 2(Exh. By providing User Generated Content, you grant Municipal Code. TAXATION: Chapter 36. - development review committeeAlachua County, Florida - Code of Ordinances; PART III - UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; TITLE 40 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; CHAPTER 407. - SETBACKS, HEIGHT, AND OTHER STANDARDS; Sec. If you are an individual with a disability and you experience difficulty or require assistance or accommodation in using our website, please contact the Alachua County ADA. Cross reference— Capital projects, Ch. 404. Alachua County, Florida - Code of Ordinances; PART III - UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; TITLE 40 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; CHAPTER 404. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida, amending chapter 367 of the alachua county code of ordinances, entitled “utility installation. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida; updating a definition and impoundment provisions to be consistent with state law; amending and creating a new section 51. 38 of the Alachua County Code. 395 of alachua county code, part ii, title 5, chapter 51, article ii, to establish “maximum rates for non-consent towing and storage”; providing. This chapter, together with any and all amendments, shall be known as the "Alachua County Administrative Code. Sec. 02 shall be presented to the county electorate by placing the question of approval of the levy of the surtax on the ballot at a special referendum election to be held on March 20, 2001. This article is adopted pursuant to F. Easements adjacent to county rights-of-way, which require a driveway to be constructed for proper access shall be permitted in accordance with the Alachua County Access Management Ordinance, section 382. No. 407. 77. The noise from any activity or from any permissible use of property within the applicable zoning district classifications of Alachua County shall be deemed to be excessive, unnecessary, offensive and unusually loud if the total noise level as measured on the A-scale due to both ambient noise, and the alleged. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida; updating a definition and impoundment provisions to be consistent with state law; amending and creating a new section 51. Government buildings and facilities may be allowed by a special use permit in all zoning districts. Should you have any questions, please call us at 352-374-5243 for building division and 352-374-5249 for all other divisions for assistance. For any offense, a violation of an ordinance included in the Alachua. (a) Subject to the provisions of sections 52. 77. 58)adopted 1/22/19. Where incorporated areas regulate construction, modification, and abandonment of wells, Alachua County will coordinate registration activities. (Supp. A solid waste transfer station is allowed as a limited use in the A, MS, and MP districts, subject to the following standards. - Neighborhood workshop. 42 and 52. There is hereby created the Alachua County Environmental Cleanup Fund, which is to be. 03. Sec. 2018-05, § 2, 1-23-18 ) Sec. b. 02. 2022-16, enacted October 25, 2022. - Government buildings and facilities. Maximum Rates for Non-consent Towing and Storage. 1, Zoning Districts. 93-14, § 2, 4-13-93) Sec. - HOUSEHOLD LIVING. - trees and native vegetation; sec. - GENERAL PROVISIONSThe preferred legal instrument shall be a conservation easement in accordance with F. (Supp. (Supp. Structures or obstructions shall not be permitted within the unincorporated area of Alachua County outside of the zones. PLEASE READ. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Florida Department of. alachua county, florida - code of ordinances; part iii - unified land development code; title 40 - land development regulations; chapter 402. 01, other than Alachua County, requesting that Alachua County close any public or private street, alleyway, road, highway, or portion thereof as described in section 324. - Residential lot. Sec. more . PART II - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. 02. 407. (a) Noise generated across real property lines. 2018-26; ordinance no. If the provisions of these regulations conflict with other Alachua County ordinances or regulations, the more stringent limitations or regulations shall govern or prevail to the extent of the conflict. No. 46. The clerk of the court shall collect the $15. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county florida amending the alachua county code of ordinances, title 40, relating to the regulation of the use and development of land in the unincorporated area of alachua county, florida; including amendments to chapter 404 use regulations; related to article xvi, overnight. Your continued usage of this website will mean you accept those changes. adopted 3/28/23. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida; updating a definition and impoundment provisions to be consistent with state law; amending and creating a new section 51. 10. adopted 3/28/23. - Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in certain places. TITLE 40 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. Adopted 5/4/23. S. 69, Florida Statutes. 2018-05, § 2, 1-23-18 ) Sec. - general development standards; article ii. The screening shall consist of sufficient shrubs to provide a visual screen of seventy-five (75) percent opacity. CODE ENFORCEMENT Chapter 14. 72. which are to be located within an area of special of flood hazard as defined by Chapter 406 of the. No. 2018-05, § 2, 1-23-18 ) Sec. S. adopted 3/28/23. 1 (Elected county. County: Alachua County, a charter county and political subdivision of the State of Florida. This Chapter shall be known and may be cited as "Alachua County Park Rules. 401. Share Link; Print. A), 11-10-20) Sec. § 893. Alachua County, Florida - Code of Ordinances; PART III - UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; TITLE 40 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; CHAPTER 407. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida; updating a definition and impoundment provisions to be consistent with state law; amending and creating a new section 51. (Supp. A), 11-10-20) Sec. - HOUSEHOLD LIVING. - CONTRACTORS; Sec. CODE County of ALACHUA, FLORIDA Codified through Ordinance No. TRAFFIC AND VEHICLESadopted 3/28/23. ( Ord. Chapter 32. Alachua County, Florida - Code of Ordinances; PART II - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE; Title 5 - TRANSPORTATION; CHAPTER 51. 93-16, § 2, 5-25-93; Ord. 010, 5. 02. Share Link; Print. 06, to be recorded in the public records of Alachua County, which shall restrict the use of the land in perpetuity to non-development uses, runs with the land, and be expressly enforceable by the County. Code of Ordinances. - Definitions. 06, to be recorded in the public records of Alachua County, which shall restrict the use of the land in perpetuity to non-development uses, runs with the land, and be expressly enforceable by the County. Alternatively, use the application-wide search box to search. - GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; ARTICLE XI. - WELLFIELD PROTECTION; Sec. § 704. The noise from any activity or from any permissible use of property within the applicable zoning district classifications of Alachua County shall be deemed to be excessive, unnecessary, offensive and unusually loud if the total noise level as measured on the A-scale due to both ambient noise, and. Alachua County, Florida - Code of Ordinances; PART III - UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; TITLE 40 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; CHAPTER 407. §§ 125. alachua county, florida - code of ordinances; part iii - unified land development code; title 40 - land development regulations; chapter 406. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida; updating a definition and impoundment provisions to be consistent with state law; amending and creating a new section 51. 2022-16, enacted October 25, 2022. Off-site agricultural processing is allowed as a limited use in the A, A-RB, BW, ML, MS, and MP districts, subject to development plan approval and the following standards, as well as any applicable state or federal regulations. CHAPTER 407. amending chapter 39 of the alachua code of ordinances to establish a process creating municipal services benefit units as a requirement of the acceptance of plats for future residential developments; to. - ANIMALS [2]. 77. - DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BODIES; ARTICLE V. Share Link; Print. Structures or obstructions shall not be permitted within the unincorporated area of Alachua County outside of the zones. (a) The following zoning districts are established as listed in Table 403. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of ALACHUA, FLORIDA Codified through Ordinance No. Owners of property shall make available to Alachua County staff a means of reasonable access to the property for which an application has been submitted. 406. In any district except A, A-RB, C-1, or RM-1, such buildings or facilities may be allowed as limited uses, provided that the site is located within an. - AGRICULTURE. Municipal Code Corporation may without notice to you, but shall have no obligation to, refuse, edit and/or remove any User Generated Content that Municipal Code Corporation determines in its sole discretion to be unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. 58)Alachua County, Florida - Code of Ordinances; PART III - UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; TITLE 40 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; CHAPTER 400. 395 of alachua county code, part ii, title 5, chapter 51, article ii, to establish “maximum rates for non-consent towing and storage”; providing. 01, shall make application to the county at the office of Alachua County Codes Enforcement, or at the Alachua County Public Works. (a) Sale of products. S. A), 11-10-20) Sec. Alachua County, FL. Your continued usage of this website will. 407. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida; updating a definition and impoundment provisions to be consistent with state law; amending and creating a new section 51. 08 of the Alachua County Code of Ordinances. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. 63. (b) All subdivisions located within areas designated rural/agriculture on the Future Land Use Map 2040 and containing ten. 04. adopted 3/28/23. - Zoning of vacated rights-of-way. 03. 10. an ordinance of the board of county commissioners of alachua county, florida; updating a definition and impoundment provisions to be consistent with state law; amending and creating a new section 51. (a) The following zoning districts are established as listed in Table 403. 100 through. No. 114. No. Municipal Code Corporation. The City of Alachua, FL is not responsible for the content of external sites. 74. (Ord. Ordinance No. County Engineer: The Alachua County Engineer or their designee. Violations of this Article may be enforced pursuant to Section 10. The use of all new or existing structures and properties shall conform with the requirements of the Use Table and with all other applicable requirements of this ULDC. 395 of alachua county code, part ii, title 5, chapter 51, article ii, to establish “maximum rates for non-consent towing and storage”; providing. - ACCESS MANAGEMENT AND STREET NETWORK STANDARDS; Sec. - GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. PART II - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. - Standards for rural home-based business. Code of Ordinances;. - SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND ACTIVITY CENTERS. - Agricultural processing offsite. 90-2, § 24, 1-23-90; Ord. No. 395 of alachua county code, part ii, title 5, chapter 51, article ii, to establish “maximum rates for non-consent towing and storage”; providing. Share Link; Print. - USE REGULATIONS;. Sec. If the provisions of these regulations conflict with other Alachua County ordinances or regulations, the more stringent limitations or regulations shall govern or prevail to the extent of the conflict. (A) Authority—Campaign finance regulation. Alachua County, Florida - Code of Ordinances; PART III - UNIFIED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; TITLE 40 - LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; CHAPTER 410. (Supp. CODE OF ORDINANCES City of ALACHUA, FLORIDA Codified through Ordinance No. 400. 03. Section 1. It shall be unlawful, except as expressly permitted herein, for any person to make, cause, or allow the making of any noise or sound within the unincorporated areas of Alachua County, Florida, which. CODE County of ALACHUA, FLORIDA Codified through Ordinance No. -. - activity center development and design standardsIf the provisions of these regulations conflict with other Alachua County ordinances or regulations, the more stringent limitations or regulations shall govern or prevail to the extent of the conflict.